Section 504
Section 504 of the Civil Rights Act of 1973 is a federal civil rights law which requires the provision of a free appropriate public education and reasonable accommodations to students who qualify under the law. A qualifying disability, under Section 504 is defined as a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities include, but are not limited to caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working. A Section 504 eligibility decision is made by a group of individuals familiar with the child. If you believe your child may require a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, please submit a request to determine 504 eligibility to the Section 504 Coordinator at your child’s school.
Meetinghouse School
Mr. Michael Leander
Westminster Elementary School
Mr. Michael Leander
John R. Briggs Elementary School
Ms. Kelley Lucy
Overlook Middle School
Ms. Lori Shattuck
[email protected]
Oakmont High School
Mr. Brian Cote