Strategic Plan » AWRSD Strategic Plan - Introduction

AWRSD Strategic Plan - Introduction

"In the Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District every student is known, challenged and supported every day so that they all graduate prepared to do good and to do well while being well."

Our Mission: In the Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District, we center all decisions on what is best for students to meet their academic and social-emotional needs and to prepare them for an ever changing world.

The attributes that we strive to foster in our graduates are the ability to overcome challenges, to determine fact from opinion, to debate and share opinions respectfully and to set and reach goals. Also, the skills to critically think and problem solve, to communicate (both in writing and speaking), to start and complete a task.  We strive to foster empathy and the ability to understand the perspectives of others, awareness & appreciation of differences, teamwork and collaboration, the use of technology, creativity and the mastery of core academic knowledge.

Our Core Values:

Equity: All students have full access to high quality materials, exceptional staff, engaging courses and resources based on their individual needs.

Excellence: All students learn rigorous academic, social, and career readiness skills.

Community: Classroom, school and broader community culture and engagement will model the world that we strive for our graduates to enter.