Ashburnham-Westminster Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)

caregivers of students with disabilities that:
- Supports you and your child(ren) when you have questions and concerns
- Helps you navigate evaluations, services, and accommodations
- Communicates with the school district on concerns, questions, and programs
- Provides information on relevant special education topics to parents/caregivers and educators
- Exists as an advisory group according to state law [Chapter 71B] and regulation [603 CMR 28:07 (4)]
What are the benefits of becoming an active SEPAC member?
- Gain insight, knowledge, and strength from one another
- Work together to find solutions to concerns, challenges, and injustices
- Make a difference in the quality of our children’s education, social life, and well-being
- Join at any time
How can you participate?
- Attend SEPAC workshops, board meetings, and parent/caregiver chats
- Become a SEPAC leader and/or volunteer
- Contact SEPAC’s co-chairs with questions or concerns at any time
- Follow SEPAC’s Facebook page and/or visit SEPAC’s website
Current SEPAC Leadership
- Co-Chairs
Wendy Smolinsky • [email protected]
Konnie Thielmann • [email protected] - Secretary
Gina Vilayphone - Publisher
Ashley Gerace
Volunteer Opportunities
- Planning workshops
- Assisting other parents
- Staffing tables at local school and community events
- Planning new activities or projects
- Publicity activities
SEPAC Flyer / Handout
For more information, please visit: