School Bus Routes 2024-25

For questions about transportation, please email [email protected] and provide your child's full name, school, address, and the question/issue.
- All students are expected to be present at their stop and visible to the driver 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. This includes all door-to-door stops as well as group stops.
- All K and 1st Grade students must have an adult at the stop to receive them in the afternoon, unless authorization to get off the bus alone or with an older sibling has been given to the school office or busing coordinator.
- All 2nd & 3rd Grade students must have an adult/older sibling/designated person visible to the driver when dropping off. They don’t have to be at the stop location, they can be on a porch, in a doorway, etc., as long as the driver can see them.
- Students who miss the bus in the morning can board at any other stop along the route, but the buses will not stop if it isn’t a designated stop location, for legal and safety reasons. However, in the PM, unless there is a pass indicating otherwise, the student will only be dropped off at their stop of record for legal and safety reasons.
Routes last updated 9/6/2024
Elementary Stops (AM & PM)
Middle School Stops (AM & PM)
High School Stops (AM & PM)
For questions about transportation, please email [email protected] and provide your child's full name, school, address, and the question/issue.