1 to 1 Device Information

Frequently Asked Questions
How does a student log into a device?
Chromebooks are logged into using the student's Google login credentials. District issued devices can only be logged into with district issued credentials.
How do I obtain the login credentials for my student?
All students have their own Google credentials for logging in to their Chromebooks. Student credentials typically follow this format:
<first initial><middle initial><last name>@student.awrsd.org
Beginning with the class of 2035, Google credentials will follow this format:
<first initial><middle initial><last name>.<year of graduation>@student.awrsd.org
These are issued by the school near the beginning of the school year. If you do not have this information by the time your student starts classes, please contact the school's main office.
How does my student save files on the device?
Any files should be saved to the student's Google drive.
Is there any content filtering on my student's device?
Yes, district issued devices use the same filtering that is used on the local district networks.
Can my student decorate their device?
No, any kind of marking, stickers or other decoration is prohibited.
Can I purchase a case for my student's device?
Yes, but cases should comply with school policies (they should not be a distraction or display images prohibited in the schools).
Will my student be required to bring their device back and forth to school?
This is at the discretion of your student's teacher(s).
AWRSD Mobile Device Insurance
The Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District offers student families the option each year to purchase insurance for district-issued Chromebooks. This Mobile Device Insurance Agreement is designed to provide families with protection against unanticipated costs arising from their student’s device being accidentally damaged. This program is offered to students in all grades who are assigned a Chromebook to take to and from school (students in grades 3-12). See the following document for complete details.