Strategic Plan » AWRSD Strategic Plan - Theory of Action

AWRSD Strategic Plan - Theory of Action

Our theory of action includes Strategic Objectives that describe the overarching goals in achieving our vision.

Universal Academic Goal: If the Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District sets clear, high expectations for student learning; provide uniform curricula and instructional materials; and support implementation, then student achievement will improve significantly.

Universal Social Emotional Learning Goal: If we develop and implement consistent readiness and wellness processes to address social/emotional, mental health, behavioral, and academic preparedness in a safe environment, then students’ social-emotional wellbeing will improve significantly.

Multi-tiered System of Supports in Academics and Social Emotional Learning Goal: If we create and fully implement a system for addressing the varied academic and social emotional needs of our students, then student achievement and students’ social emotional core competencies will improve significantly.

Post-Graduate Outcomes Goal: If we create clear pathways for students to be intentional about setting and realizing goals, then they will find success after graduation.